Campus Parking
Our goal is to ensure all patrons receive a fair opportunity to utilize the parking facilities available on campus.
Howard University offers a limited amount of parking on campus for students, faculty/staff, and visitors. Our goal is to ensure all patrons receive a fair opportunity to utilize the parking facilities available on campus. Keep in mind that limited parking means limited availability. If you did not receive parking for this year, you are not alone. The university strongly encourages visitors and employees to consider alternate forms of travel when accessing campus.
Campus Parking Lots
The Office of Parking & Transportation oversees most campus parking lots. Parking on Howard University's campus is by PERMIT ONLY. Vehicles parked without a valid permit are subject to ticketing, towing, and or immobilization (at owner’s expense).
Parking & Transportation Services
Temporarily Located at the Service Center
2244 10th Street N.W., Suite 216
Washington DC, 20059
Office: 202.806.2000
Lot Name | Permit Status | Price | Address |
Banneker | Waitlist | $680 | 2345 Sherman Avenue NW |
Drew | Waitlist | $680 | 511 Harvard St. NW |
801 | Waitlist | $680 | 801 N. Capital NW |
West Campus | Waitlist | $680 | 2900 Van Ness St. NW |
Howard Center | Daily Parking | $10/per day | 2235 8th St. NW |
Resident Hall Parking
HU Parking & Transportation does not govern these lots. Please contact the Resident Hall Manager for underground dormitory parking.
Visitor Parking
Founders: 5 Spots
Green: 2 Spots
School Of Business: 3 Spots
Childers: 3 Spots
Rear HUH A1 : 22 Spots
Annex: 8 Spaces
Georgia Ave: 5 Spaces
West Campus: 10 Spaces
To purchase hourly, daily, or monthly parking permits, please visit RunParking
Parking Permit Types
Faculty, Staff and Vendor Parking Permits | ||
Permit Type | Payroll Deductions | |
Reserved | Bi-Weekly | Yearly Total |
9-Month | $98 | $1,760.00 |
12-Month | $95.33 | $2,288.00 |
Reserved Lots | ||
Non-Reserved Lots | ||
Non-Reserved | Bi-Weekly | Yearly Total |
9-Month | $73.33 | $1,320.00 |
12-Month | $71.50 | $1,716.00 |
Registration Instructions
Username for Students: Your Student ID with the @ symbol (ex.@######
Username for Employees: Your employee ID with leading 0's
Password: Your Student ID number with the @ symbol (Default)
*If you have previously set a password for your account use the password you created. Otherwise use the default password. If you do not remember your password: Call the Parking Office to have your password reset to the default setting. (Default is your student id number with the “@” symbol) If you have never registered for parking using this website: contact the Parking Office to have an account created for you.
Parking FAQs
How can I register for my parking permit?
Students can register for parking permits online at
When can students register for parking?
Registration for students is offered twice a year. The first registration is held in April and the second registration is held in January, based on space availability.
What is the cost of a student permit?
Students pay a flat rate of $680 that includes Fall and Spring semesters.
As a student, how will I know when it’s time to register for parking?
The Parking Office will notify students via a HU Communication and the Parking & Transportation website.
As a student, am I required to pay for my parking permit during the registration process?
No. The charge for the permit is billed to the student’s tuition bill.
I am a student. Do I have to buy a parking permit?
Students, expecting to park on a Howard campus must purchase a parking permit.
How can I register for my parking permit?
Employees can register for parking permits online at
How can employees pay for their parking permit?
Employees pay for their parking permits through payroll deduction. Employees may pay the entire annual amount by check or credit/debit card.
I have a disability placard issued by the state, but I’m not registered for parking, can I park in a handicap parking space on the lot.
No. Parking spaces are only for students and employees that are registered for parking.
Where can I submit a citation appeal and how long does it take to receive a response?
Appeals can be submitted online at: Appeals must be submitted within 15 days of receipt of the citation.
How will I receive a response on my citation appeal?
An appeal decision letter will be sent to the email address listed on the appeal.
How many vehicles can I register?
Permit holders can register up to five (5) vehicles on their parking account. However, only one registered vehicle can be parked on a Howard University lot at any given time.
Can I purchase more than one parking permit?
No. Each employee is only allowed to register for one parking permit.
How do I pay for a parking violation?
Only debit and credit cards are accepted. You can pay by the following means:
- Online –
- In Person – 2244 10th Street N.W., Suite 216, Washington, DC 20059
I am a student and failed to pay a parking citation. What will happen?
Citations that are not paid within 30 days will be charged to your student account
I will be visiting the campus, where can I park?
The visitor’s Pay-As-You-Go parking lot is located at 2235 8th St N.W. Visitors may prepay by visiting
Where do I go to pay for a visitor permit?
Visitor’s permits can be purchased from the parking attendant at the parking lot located at 2235 8th Street NW.
How much is a visitor’s permit?
Visitors can purchase a daily permit for $10 and monthly permits for $180.
What forms of payments are accepted at the visitor’s lot?
Credit/Debit Cards.
Can I purchase a daily or monthly parking permit from the Office of Parking and Transportation Services Office?
No. The Office of Parking and Transportation encourages the community to use the visitor’s parking lot.
Can an employee purchase parking permits from the Parking Office for special events?
No. All special event attendees including employees should use the visitor’s parking lot.
What hours are parking lots and parking areas enforced?
Parking on campus is restricted to permit holders between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless otherwise posted. Parking policies and procedures pertaining to these areas are strictly enforced year-round.
What do I do if my vehicle is Barnacle?
If your vehicle has been immobilized using a Barnacle device, customers can pay the Barnacle fee and parking citations online at or by phone at 202-545-6277.
Someone is coming to visit me on campus, do they need a parking pass?
Yes. Visitors can purchase parking permits from the visitor’s lot located at 2235 8th St. N. W. or prepay by visiting
I want to purchase a visitors permit online. What is the website address?
The website address for visitor permits is
Where is the Office of Parking & Transportation Services located?
Temporarily located at the Service Center
2244 10th Street N.W., Suite 216
Washington, DC 20059
Monday – Friday
10 am – 4 pm
Excluding observed holidays (academic calendar)